HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius visits Milwaukee

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- The woman at the center of the Affordable Care Act website fiasco visited Milwaukee on Friday, November 15th. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is telling people here and across the nation, don't give up.

Sebelius visited Milwaukee's Lisbon Ave. Health Center to talk with people about efforts to fix healthcare.gov.

"The speed has vastly increased. The error rate is down to a very small number," said Sebelius.

Sebelius attributes low enrollment numbers to the plan-shopping process.

"Taking a little time, figuring out, coming here and talking to somebody, in-person, calling on the 'Call Center' line which is open, 24-7. I think makes really good sense. So people get in the plan that suits them and their family and their budget," said Sebelius.

Following the secretary's visit, State Senator Leah Vukmir says she's still not encouraged by the Affordable Care Act -- and wants the legislation repealed.

"This is very, something that many of us, in the Republican party, have seen for a long time," said Vukmir. "But now we're starting, the people are feeling it, and this is the point at which we need to rise-up, talk to the Congressional leaders so that we can get this fixed."

Sebelius says software improvement are expected to expand the site's capacity by the end of November. It's her hope that Gov. Scott Walker will eventually agree to accept $10 billion in federal money in order to help expand Medicaid in Wisconsin.