Sen. Tammy Baldwin talks postal reform at Quad/Graphics

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Stamp prices are about to spike again, and while it's a pain for the average person -- it could be an even bigger problem for Wisconsin employers.

That's why Sen. Tammy Baldwin is trying to rally support for a big change to the postal reform bill.

On Wednesday, December 4th, she met with leaders at Quad/Graphics -- one of the biggest printers in the state.

They say if postage prices continue to climb, it'll be the start of a chain reaction.

Less paper will be bought, and fewer pages will be printed.

Now, under the current postal reform bill, the Postal Service would be able to set its own rates with little oversight.

Sen. Baldwin says that clause needs to go in order to protect Wisconsin's economy.

"We are the number one manufacturer of paper in the country and much of the paper that's produced in the state ends up in the mail stream. And so we're very sensitive as a state economy to changes in postal rates," Sen. Baldwin said.

56 Wisconsin businesses support Baldwin's proposal.