Freeze for Life fights cancer through cold weather water sports

LAKE GENEVA (WITI) -- More than 100 brave souls battled the blistering cold Saturday, December 7th to raise money for charity by participating in Lake Geneva water sports.

Temperatures in the single digits couldn't put a damper on Freeze for Life. Organizer Dalton Waldeck started the event in 2008 in memory of his father who died of pancreatic cancer.

"My father always had a love of the water," said Waldeck. "I figured this would be a good way to get people out to enjoy what we have to offer in the winter months."

Proceeds from the Freeze for Life event are distributed to organizations such as pancreatic cancer research and high school and college scholarship programs.

"I first caught wind of it at the local wake board shop. They had a flyer for it and I said I'm in for that. The very first year there was about four inches of snow on the ground. They had to shovel off the beach and all the piers to get us out there but it was fun, so I've been hooked ever since," said Paul Clausius.

Last year's event raised $12,000. Organizers are hoping to more than double that this year, with a goal of $25,000.