Cedarburg hosts Strawberry Festival, and the line for strawberry brats is about two blocks long! | FOX6 Milwaukee

Cedarburg hosts Strawberry Festival, and the line for strawberry brats is about two blocks long!

CEDARBURG (WITI) -- Cedarburg hosted its 29th annual Strawberry Festival this weekend -- a popular event that's gaining national attention!

The streets of Cedarburg were buzzing this weekend with people from across the country.

"We had people from Florida, people from California," B.J. Homayouni, the executive director of Festivals of Cedarburg said.

Some came for the entertainment, but a big draw was the food.

"The strawberry brat is amazing!" one festival-goer told FOX6 News.

They're so good, they keep Judy Kinart and her husband coming back every year.

"It tastes like a bratwurst with a little hint of sweet every once in awhile," Kinart said.

She wasn't the only one eating them this weekend!

"The line practically almost goes two blocks long," Samantha Champea with Schwai's Meat & Sausage Market said.

So what's in these sweet meats?

"I actually can`t say because it`s a secret. It is a secret recipe," Champea said.

They couldn't give away the recipe -- but they did let FOX6 News behind-the-scenes to see the grill-masters at work.

The delicious and very popular strawberry brats are just one of many things Strawberry Festival has to offer.

Lian Melziva and her family came for the artwork.

"I like seeing all the different creative ideas people think of and it kind of inspired us to get creative at home," Melziva said.

Pamela Ruschman was a featured artist at this year's Strawberry Festival.

On Sunday morning, June 29th, she chose to paint something for the FOX6 News team.

"I haven`t been working on it that long this morning but it`s a lot of fun and lot of color," Ruschman said.

That's what you could find at this year's Strawberry Festival -- an eclectic mixture of arts, food and entertainment with a hint of strawberry flare.

Festival organizers say one of the highlights of this year's festival was the record-setting 3,010-pound ice cream scoop brought in by Kemp's.