Terex Corporation closing facility on Bluemound in Waukesha; 92 employees impacted

WAUKESHA -- Terex Corporation is closing its facility on Bluemound Road in Waukesha -- impacting 92 employees.

According to the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, the employees will be impacted in stages, from January 6th, 2017 through February 17th, 2017.

The Waukesha-Ozaukee-Washington Workforce Development Area Rapid Response Team will offer services to the affected business and workers.  

The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) Dislocated Worker Program provides transition assistance to workers and companies affected by permanent worker layoffs.

The Program's local Rapid Response Teams help companies and worker representatives develop and implement a practical transition plan based on the size of the layoff event.

Types of services include:

    Workers affected by permanent layoff may also access basic re-employment services at no charge through the state's Job Centers. Some services, including training assistance, may be an option for some workers after enrolling in one or more of DWD's workforce development programs.

    While all companies faced with permanent worker layoffs are encouraged to seek assistance from the local Rapid Response Teams, some companies may be required to give 60 days notice before a mass layoff or closing under federal and/or state law.

    More information about advance notice requirements is available at https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/dislocatedworker/.