'An important day:' Founder of Wantable reports Cyber Monday 25 percent busier than average  | FOX6 Milwaukee

'An important day:' Founder of Wantable reports Cyber Monday 25 percent busier than average 

MILWAUKEE -- It was all hands on deck on Cyber Monday, Nov. 26 at the Wantable warehouse near S. 1st Street and Mineral Street in Milwaukee -- where more than 100 employees handled online purchases.

"It's a very important day," said Jalem Getz, founder.

Some opted to take advantage of the deals on the web, and get a jump on their holiday shopping.

"We're sitting here on Cyber Monday, which is the kickoff to the season, where customers go into full-on holiday mode. We've been all hands on deck," said Tiffany Cooley, chief marketing officer.

For Wantable, an online personal styling service, weeks of preparation led to this day.

"It's kind of been a crazy week and weekend for us. On weeks like this, everyone has to work together and it's a total team effort to get these orders out the door," said Josee Stiever, stylist.

Everyone was at work on Monday -- helping to get orders shipped. They prepared for thousands of orders.

"There are people behind the scenes, behind that digital screens that are picking, packing, styling shipping orders," said Getz.

Getz said Cyber Monday was about 25 percent busier than a typical Monday at Wantable.