ACLU releases new video of controversial cheerleading banquet | FOX6 Milwaukee

ACLU releases new video of controversial cheerleading banquet

Tremper High School

MILWAUKEE -- The American Civil Liberties Union of Wisconsin (ACLU) is calling out Tremper High School cheerleading coaches and Kenosha Unified School District officials over its handling of a cheer banquet. On Thursday, the ACLU released video of a banquet showing inappropriate comments from the coach directed toward a female cheerleader.

They've been investigating for six months and are now exploring all legal options if the district doesn't take action.

In the newly released video, a coach says, "We love her butt, everybody loves her butt" during an awards ceremony.

Tremper High School cheerleading banquet

The comments are not the only criticism that has surfaced about the banquet. The ACLU initially spoke about the incident on Tuesday, after calling the district out for inappropriate body shaming awards. The ACLU claims the coaches handed out awards for: "big booty," "big boobie," and the "string bean" award.

Asma Kadri Keeler

Asma Kadri Keeler is a KUSD alum but she's also one of three attorneys with the ACLU who authored a demand letter to the district.

"These are all incidents of a larger pervasive culture of sexual harassment and the district is not responding in a way to stop them from reoccurring," said Kadri Keeler, who is a staff attorney for ACLU of Wisconsin.

Thursday, Feb. 21 the ACLU released a statement from a parent of one of the cheerleaders in attendance.

"It was heartbreaking to see the girls accept awards for things that are inherently damaging to their worth and identity. My concerns multiplied as one district administrator after another disregarded the complaints."

The parent expressed concern that the coaches are still employed. The district is not commenting on personnel matters.

"KUSD owes it to its parents, students and community to take this seriously and to end the culture of pervasive sexual harassment that exists within the district," said Kadri Keeler.

Earlier this week, KUSD said it will not be handing those awards out anymore. The ACLU wants the district to take action to protect its students. If not, they're threatening legal action.

Tremper High School