'Give our students hope:' UNCF awards thousands in scholarships to Milwaukee students

MILWAUKEE -- For high school seniors -- fall is college application season. It can be a complicated process - but a national scholarship fund was in town Friday, Sept. 27 to help, giving thousands of dollars to worthy students.

Keelan Redd

Bradley Tech senior Keelan Redd is exploring his options.

"Just trying to take it step by step," said Keelan Redd, Bradley Tech senior.

Redd's applying for colleges on the spot. He's one of the more than 1,000 students attending UNCF's "Empower Me Tour." The event helps students earn scholarships and admission to the nation's top historically black colleges and universities.

Stacey Lee

"These types of events give people hope. They give our students hope. They see people that look like them, and they're like you know what I can go to college also," said Stacey Lee, Empower Me Tour director.

In some cases, schools are awarding full presidential scholarships.

"That'll mean the world to me. That would mean everything because that's just a step ahead in life," said Redd.

Like many other students, Redd says he worries about paying for college -- something he's always wanted.

"It's always been a better step in life, a better choice. I feel like, without college, you have less of a chance at succeeding. That's my biggest fear, not succeeding," said Redd.

But an event like this, making one of its only four stops in Milwaukee, is helping ease his worries.

"You've got help. There's help. There's always a way to get help. This is a great example," said Redd.

The event itself also gives out merit scholarships for students to attend any school of their choice.