NYC official arrested in Milwaukee charged in federal court for internet crimes against children
David Hay
MILWAUKEE -- David Hay, the New York man arrested by Neenah police for internet crimes against children, has been charged in federal court according to an official release, Thursday.
Investigators from the Neenah Police Department arrested a Hay on Sunday, Dec. 29 following an undercover Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) investigation. Records showed his Wisconsin ties run deep.
Neenah police, with help from the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office, took Hay into custody at Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport around 11:30 a.m.
Neenah officials said Hay was later booked into the Winnebago County Jail -- and was expected to be charged with "use of a computer to facilitate a child sex crime." Officials said Hay is considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. It wasn't immediately clear whether he hired an attorney who could comment on his behalf.