Wisconsin Elections Commission scolds 6 unnamed communities | FOX6 Milwaukee

Wisconsin Elections Commission scolds 6 unnamed communities

MADISON — The Wisconsin Elections Commission is warning six unnamed communities in the state that if they don't quickly upgrade outdated computer systems that are susceptible to hacking, they will publicly scold them.

The commission voted unanimously Thursday to move ahead with the public shaming if the communities don't get their systems up to date.

A local newspaper reported that the commission has identified 10 computers in six communities that aren't up to date. The commission recently made more than $1 million available to clerks to update their computers, but not all of them took advantage of the funds.

The commissioners said they would tell the communities to upgrade their systems or be publicly outed. The commission will make federal funds available to them to help them pay for their computers. The upgrades are expected to cost a few thousand dollars.

The commissioners want new computers installed before April 7, when the state holds its presidential primary and elections for state Supreme Court and a host of local offices.