Think you've contracted the coronavirus? Doctor outlines the steps you should take

MILWAUKEE -- Doctors on the front lines of the fight against the coronavirus want to reassure the public they are doing everything they can to keep you healthy -- including offering advice on how you can help yourself.

"I think one of the most important things is determining where a person is from a risk standpoint," said Dr. Patricia Golden with Ascension Wisconsin.

With the number of positive cases of the coronavirus growing by the day in Wisconsin, it's important to be aware of what the symptoms are.

"Typical signs would be a fever, a cough, shortness of breath," said Dr. Golden. "The minute patients start having symptoms, putting themselves out of the public, avoid mass transportation, not going out in large areas were we can be contaminating others."

Dr. Patricia Golden

According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as soon as you experience symptoms, you should contact your doctor, and you need to call in advance, versus just showing up at a medical facility. Your doctor will give you directions to follow. Then, you need to stay in contact with your doctor in case it gets worse.

"If you are having chest heaviness, you're having confusion, any of your symptoms are significantly worsening, those are the times that it's really critical for these patients to be staying in direct contact with their medical providers," said Dr. Golden.

Doctors have warned that people who are diabetic, have respiratory illnesses, heart disease, some form of chronic illness, or over the age of 50 are at an increased risk of needing serious help if infected.

"It is critical for them to stay in contact with their medical providers," said Dr. Golden.

As of Wednesday, March 25, most of the 620 positive cases in Wisconsin were being treated at home -- with lots of rest, medicine for the symptoms, and drinking lots of water.

"Most people are going to do just fine managing themselves through the course of the COVID-19 virus," said Dr. Golden. "That is why we still are highly recommending, as much as possible, that if patients are stable, we want you to stay home. We want you to be caring for yourself."

If things get worse, your doctor will tell you when it's time to come in for a visit.

CLICK HERE for more on the steps to take -- from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.