Pregnancy in a pandemic: Doctors reassure patients to stay calm about delivery, care | FOX6 Milwaukee

Pregnancy in a pandemic: Doctors reassure patients to stay calm about delivery, care

MILWAUKEE -- Pregnancy in a pandemic; it's scary for expecting mothers. Doctors are reassuring patients about their health and their babies, but some are seeking alternatives outside of the traditional hospital setting.

It is a stressful time for everyone, especially expecting parents. With fears about delivery and care, doctors say to stay calm.

Dr. Roseann Gumina

"Follow the same guidelines that everyone should be following," Dr. Roseann Gumina with Froedtert and the Medical Collge of Wisconsin said. "I really want to reassure women that, although we have a lot of data about the Coronavirus, the data we do have is very encouraging."

As cases of the coronavirus rise across the nation and in Milwaukee, the Froedtert OBGYN says a mother and baby's health is a top priority. Though some things may change, from prenatal visits to who is allowed in the room during labor and delivery.

"We want to minimize your exposure, we don't want you coming into an office full of people, nor do we want you coming in sick and infecting the health care workers," said Gumina. "For the sake of the baby, for the sake of the mom, we really have to limit it to one person."

The changes have prompted some to seek alternatives outside of the traditional hospital setting.

Erin O'Day

"I've seen an influx, I've seen some months filling up and so have my colleagues," said Erin O'Day, a licensed midwife with Mama Moon Midwifery. "Usually, we try to keep the environment really peaceful and calm. Usually, we have two midwives at a birth."

O'Day said, while some feel more comfortable at home, it's not for everyone.

Trying to keep new parents calm while pregnant during a pandemic, the best plan is to check with your health care provider to address any changes and concerns; they can walk you through what is best and safest for you.