Active, retired health care pros urged to join fight against COVID-19: 'Going to require more of us to step up'

MADISON -- Gov. Tony Evers is calling on both active and retired health care professionals to join the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

The governor said on Friday, April 10 that Wisconsin is expected to see a surge in COVID-19 cases in the coming weeks. Officials with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services predict the peak will be in late April. That is why the state is now working to build a network of available health care professionals -- willing to volunteer.

During the state briefing on Friday, Evers said creating this network, the Wisconsin Emergency Assistance Volunteer Registry (WEAVR), would lift the burden from hospitals and clinics that would be overwhelmed by a potential surge. The state is looking for physicians, doctors, nurses and other licensed health care workers -- as well as non-clinical support staff.

"It's going to require more of us to step up in support of these ongoing efforts related to the COVID-19 efforts," Gov Evers said. "Our top priority is to make sure there are enough resources to care for the growing number of people who require hospitalization or other health care intervention because of this pandemic."

Volunteers would be assigned to locations across the state -- and would need to complete a background check. CLICK HERE if you would like to get involved with this effort.

Health CoronavirusPeople Tony Evers