'Think about your neighbors:' Small-town camaraderie keeps community together through COVID-19 crisis

CEDARBURG -- Small businesses have faced an uphill battle for years, trying to stay afloat in a big-box-store and internet-shopping economy. But surviving the coronavirus pandemic is creating the biggest battle yet.

Up and down Washington Avenue in Cedarburg, you will find a sign of the times on every business' door and in the expression on every owner's face.

Natasha Loos

"You just think about your neighbors," said Natasha Loos of Cedarburg Toy Company. "How are they doing? Are they okay? Are we going to see them again when the doors open up again?"

Loss has made a living peddling fun -- a business that is good for the soul, but not essential, in a pandemic world.

"Now we have to re-examine what does this look like now," she said.

Cedarburg Toy Company

The Cedarburg community -- like so many others -- is struggling to balance public health and economic prosperity.

John Armbruster

"It is a challenge. It is really a challenge," said John Armbruster of Armbruster Jewelers. "This one was so sudden. Boy, it just caught you off guard and everyone is just trying to adjust."

Small businesses are forced to shoulder the biggest burden. There is no business plan for a pandemic, but for every sign of trouble in Cedarburg, there are equal signs of strength.

"The community really does support its downtown," said Loos. "It is that type of dedication that makes our community able to survive things like this."

With sales and smiles, small-town camaraderie -- marquees and poster boards with words of encouragement, neighbors helping neighbors, splurging on curbside pick-up and Facebook sales -- is a sign of the times.

The Cedarburg Chamber of Commerce has put together a list of small businesses as well as COVID-19 resources for the community -- CLICK HERE.