Sheriff: 2 Milwaukee County Jail inmates tested positive for COVID-19

MILWAUKEE -- Officials with the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office on Sunday, April 19 reported two Milwaukee County Jail inmates tested positive for the coronavirus, but said neither showed symptoms while in custody.

MCSO officials said officials with the jail's contracted medical provider reported that one individual detained in the jail, and one individual released from the jail on Sunday, tested positive for COVID-19. Again, sheriff's officials said neither individual displayed symptoms of COVID-19 while in custody.

In a statement Sunday, MCSO officials said they and the medical provider were "conducting rigorous contact tracing," and "working closely with the Milwaukee Health Department to ensure that all treatment, isolation and quarantine protocols adhere to established best practices," noting that " MCSO continues to maintain rigorous screening, social distancing and single-cell housing consistent with public health and medical guidance."

Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele announced Friday, April 17 that Milwaukee County launched a new Covid-19 dashboard, focused exclusively on providing data about individuals who are currently in the care of Milwaukee County. CLICK HERE to access that dashboard.

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