'Phenomenal:' Turnout stays strong at Milwaukee's free COVID-19 test sites, nearly 2K tested | FOX6 Milwaukee

'Phenomenal:' Turnout stays strong at Milwaukee's free COVID-19 test sites, nearly 2K tested

MILWAUKEE -- In addition to health centers and private health facilities, close to 2,000 people were tested for COVID-19 at free, community test sites on Milwaukee's north and south sides Tuesday.

Later this week, the community will see more free testing available downtown.

David Crowley

"We've seen a continued interest in the two new testing sites," said Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley.

The lines have been long as people filed through, each wanting a COVID-19 test. The first day of community testing attracted more than 1,900 people. On Tuesday afternoon, numbers stayed high.

"The reaction to the two sites at Midtown and at UMOS have been phenomenal," Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett said.

Milwaukee drive-thru COVID-19 testing

The Wisconsin National Guard will be administering tests through Saturday to anyone for free -- whether they have symptoms of the virus or not.

Tom Barrett

"They have told us, they'll continue to work with us as long as the demand is there," said Barrett.

Testing is taking place at a number of locations from health centers to private facilities and, starting Thursday, the site of the old Bradley Center.

"They're drive-thru tests, so they'll be administered by our pharmacy teams," said Jim Hyland with Roundy's.

Location of old Bradley Center where COVID-19 drive-thru testing site will be established

Pick 'n Save and Kroger will offer free drive-thru testing. People will have to fill out a questionnaire, make an appointment and have their ID. The goal is to provide 260 tests per day for 10 days.

Jim Hyland

"We just encourage people to get on the site and get tested," Hyland said. "We're happy to help."

It's an effort to flatten the curve, so that life might start to get back to normal.

CLICK HERE for more information on the Bradley Center testing site. As for the community sites, Barrett said there will be an announcement later this week if more locations will be added.