Couple who employed George Floyd mourns man who died in Minneapolis police custody | FOX6 Milwaukee

Couple who employed George Floyd mourns man who died in Minneapolis police custody

MINNEAPOLIS --The community is learning more about George Floyd, the man who died in Minneapolis police custody Monday night, May 25.

Bystander video shows the moments officers pinned Floyd to the ground, with one pressing his knee into Floyd's neck as Floyd repeated that he cannot breathe. Floyd eventually becomes unresponsive, but the officer continues to hold his knee to the man’s neck until an ambulance arrives.

The officer, who KMSP sources identified as Derek Chauvin, and three others -- including an officer identified as Tou Thao -- are seen in the foreground standing guard over the scene. The four officers were subsequently fired from MPD Tuesday.

According to the Minneapolis Police Department, a forgery complaint at nearby Cup Foods brought officers to the scene at 8 p.m. Monday night. Witnesses have said that at one point Floyd was in a squad car, but officers pulled him out, telling the gathering crowd he had resisted arrest.

Jovanni and Ruth Thunstrom own the Conga Latin Bistro where they employed Floyd for years. They said the Houston native worked security, helped out around the bar, and “got along with everyone.”

The Thunstroms considered Floyd a friend; Ruth was speechless after watching the video.

“Crying all day… she loved Floyd. We’re all sad,” Jovanni said. “Every time I see it, I hurt. It’s one thing to be told it’s someone getting killed, another to see someone you know who doesn’t deserve to have their life end that way.”

The cousins of George Floyd spoke out in an interview shared on, obtained by KMSP. (Photo credit: Benjamin Crump via

The Minnesota BCA and the FBI are investigating the case. The BCA is asking anyone who captured video of or witnessed the incident to contact them at 651-793-7000.