Meet the comedian performing in 1 of the longest running 1-man shows | FOX6 Milwaukee

Meet the comedian performing in 1 of the longest running 1-man shows

MILWAUKEE -- Actor and comedian Peter Fogel, who will be performing a one-man show at the Broadway Theatre in Milwaukee's Third Ward, joins FOX6 WakeUp to talk about the show.

About My Mother’s Italian, My Father’s Jewish and I’m in Therapy (website)

A visiting production at the Broadway Theatre Center.  One of the longest running one-man shows in New York theater history!! Steve Solomon's smash hit comedy starring Peter Fogel, is inspired by Steve's hilarious family & all the people in his life whose sole purpose is to drive him into therapy.... and they succeeded! One part lasagna, one part kreplach, & two parts Prozac, you don't have to be Italian or Jewish to love this show.

All you need is to know what it feels like to leave a family dinner with heartburn & a headache!

More than 30 characters & voices are brought to life by the comic genius of star, actor/comedian Peter Fogel.