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Stunt double from new “Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles” movie shows off his moves
Stunt double from new "Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles" movie shows off his moves
The new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot is a hit at the box office. And now, you have the chance to meet the inspiration behind the turtle. Matt Emig, the stunt double for Michelangela and Master Splinter in the newest movie, joins FOX6 WakeUp to talk about what it's like working on such a blockbuster reboot. Plus Jeff Quirk and Kyle Mealy from Karate America join the show to talk about a great event this weekend.
How do you become a stunt double? How do you train? You can meet the ninja behind the turtle on August 14th in Brookfield and Menomonee Falls.