115th Fighter Wing to show support for frontline workers by flying over Wisconsin communities

MADISON -- The 115th Fighter Wing based in Madison plans to pay tribute on Tuesday, May 12 to Wisconsin's heroes, including health care workers and first responders who have supported communities across the state during the COVID-19 pandemic. That tribute will come in the form of a flyover with four F-16 Fighting Falcons.

The flyover is part of Operation American Resolve, a nation-wide campaign, designed to show appreciation for the thousands of heroes on the frontlines, as well as the brave citizens and neighbors who have been battling and supporting the COVID-19 response.

The locations and times of the flyovers are listed below -- and are subject to change due to weather conditions:

The Navy’s Blue Angels and the Air Force’s Thunderbirds have performed flyovers to thank health care workers across the U.S.

The 115th Fighter Wing has been based at Truax Field in Madison since shortly after World War II. The unit learned last month it has been chosen to receive military’s newest jet, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.