"$2,000 equipment:" Mom says daughter may lose hearing after fight at Milwaukee Sign Language School

MILWAUKEE -- It began as a fight between eighth-graders at a school in Milwaukee -- a school not known for problems. When a fight happens at school, there's always concern about physical injuries and emotional damage. But in this case, it may mean a young girl could lose her ability to hear.

Milwaukee Sign Language School

This fight happened at the Milwaukee Sign Language School.

"I'm not saying I want people to walk on eggshells because my daughter is deaf -- but at least have some kind of consideration," Nikia Vann, the girl's mother said.

At three months old, Vann's daughter lost her hearing as a result of meningitis.

Thirteen years later, Vann is concerned her daughter may lose her hearing again -- at least for awhile.

She was one of the first children to receive a cochlear implant, back in 2003. The cochlear implant in the girl's head allows her to hear.

But now, her processor has been cracked after a fight at the Milwaukee Sign Language School that occurred on Tuesday morning, October 27th.

It was a short but violent fight that broke out before school.

Comments on Facebook make it seem as though the fight against the girl was planned.

The girl did fight back, and has been suspended from school.

Vann tells FOX6 News she's been left in the dark as to what will happen to the other girls involved in the fight -- and whether her daughter will be safe upon returning to school.

Cochlear implant

Meanwhile, the girl's cracked cochlear implant processor is working for now, but her mother fears it may begin to fail soon.

"This is $2,000 equipment, and I'm not floating in the bucks around here, so I can't just reach in my pocket and pay for this," Vann said.

And when the sensitive computer programmed processor goes, so will the girl's hearing.

Nikia Vann

"Once she removes it, there's nothing," Vann said.

Both the deaf and hard of hearing and those with no hearing loss attend the Milwaukee Sign Language School.

Milwaukee Public Schools officials issued a statement to FOX6 News, saying staff responded to the fight immediately, and all students involved in the incident received appropriate disciplinary action.

They say they'll continue to work with this girl's family to ensure their safety concerns are addressed.