Memorial Day ceremony at Wood National Cemetery; 'These Hallowed Grounds'

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Wood National Cemetery's Memorial Day ceremony

A Memorial Day ceremony is being held Monday, May 27 at Wood National Cemetery on the Milwaukee VA campus.

A Memorial Day ceremony was held Monday, May 27 at Wood National Cemetery on the Milwaukee VA campus. Hundreds gathered for the event.

The solemn event honors fallen veterans, their families, and those prisoners of war or missing in action who never made it home. This year’s ceremony theme is "These Hallowed Grounds."

"Dear Lord, we thank you for this day as we pay homage to those who have gone before us, and those who have given their lives – not only for their freedom, but the freedom of others," said Rev. Robert Allen, Milwaukee VA Chaplain.

"We stand quietly by their graves and we consider their sacrifices they so nobly offered on behalf of a free and grateful nation," said Quincy McCall, Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery Complex Director.

More than 40,000 people are buried at Wood National Cemetery. It is the final resting place for soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen from all American wars except the revolutionary war. 

"We are here today to honor those who paid the ultimate sacrifice," said James McClain, Milwaukee VA Health Care Executive Director and an Army veteran.

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Veterans and veterans groups laid wreaths at the cemetery – a small token to those who are long gone.

Memorial Day ceremony at Wood National Cemetery

"I would like to thank the family members of all the service men and women who have gathered to share these memories of their loved ones – who are no longer with us, physically – but who are much alive with us spiritually," said Edwin Parker, Center for Veterans Issues.

Memorial Day ceremony at Wood National Cemetery

Volunteers are also needed to remove flags at Wood National Cemetery starting at 8:30 a.m., Tuesday, May 28.