$2,500 reward offered for info, arrest in theft of 116 metal alloy pieces | FOX6 Milwaukee

$2,500 reward offered for info, arrest in theft of 116 metal alloy pieces

GLENDALE -- Glendale police announced on Tuesday, Nov. 27 that a $2,500 reward is now being offered for information leading to an arrest and the recovery of very large and distinctive pieces of metal.

116 large metal alloy pieces that were on 29 wooden skids were stolen over multiple thefts during July and August 2018. The metal pieces were packaged four pieces per skid. The total weight of all the pieces is approximately 130,000 pounds. Officials say the pieces weigh approximately 1,000 pounds per piece -- roughly 4,400 per pallet of four.

Officials say the pallets were stolen two to three pallets at a time -- and most likely delivered for scrap value on a trailer -- most likely on a Friday or Monday.

All the pieces were marked with one of the four following part numbers -- clearly visible on each piece:

    The owner of the metal is now offering the $2,500 reward. Anyone with information that could help solve this case is urged to contact the Glendale Police Department at 414-228-1753 and reference case #18-014447.