911 calls released after twin girls hit by pickup truck near 62nd and Bluemound | FOX6 Milwaukee

911 calls released after twin girls hit by pickup truck near 62nd and Bluemound

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- 911 calls have been released in the case of two 16-year-old twin girls hit by a pickup truck while crossing Bluemound Road on February 17th. The girls were on their way home from school. Several people witnessed the incident and called 911.

Dispatcher: "What is your emergency?"

Caller: "Uh 66th, sorry 62nd and Bluemound, two people were hit by a car."

Dispatcher: "62nd and Bluemound?"

Caller: "Correct."

Dispatcher: "Okay hold on…and they are injured?"

Caller: "Yes they are. One is out cold. The other one is moving a little bit."

Dispatcher: "And they were pedestrians? Okay stay on the line for the fire department. Don’t hang up."

Caller: "Okay."

Dispatcher: "Okay that’s borderline. Do you know what side of the street they were on?"

Caller: "They were on the south side of the street."

Dispatcher: "Okay hold on."

Dispatcher: "Milwaukee Fire Department, can I have address for the emergency?"

Dispatcher: "The caller is reporting two pedestrians struck. One is knocked out on the south side of the street of 62nd and Bluemound. Go ahead, caller."

Caller: "On 62nd and Bluemound two pedestrians were hit by a vehicle. They are both down and out."

Dispatcher: "Okay. We have the help on the way over there."

Caller: "Okay thank you."


Dispatcher: "Police, go ahead. Okay what is your name, sir?"

Caller: "My name is Alan Grant."

Dispatcher: "And the car that hit them is still there?"

Caller: "Yes, he pulled over and he’s with the victims now."

Dispatcher: "Okay we’re getting the help out there. Did you witness this accident?"

Caller: "Yes, there is a witness to it."

Dispatcher: "Did you witness it?"

Caller: "No, my driver did."

Dispatcher: "Okay we’ll get someone out."


Dispatcher: "911 operator, where is your emergency?"

Caller: "Um, there was an injury accident on 62nd and Bluemound."

Dispatcher: "Are you involved in the accident?"

Caller: "No I’m not. I’m just reporting it. It just happened."

Dispatcher: "And how do you know they’re injured?"

Caller: "Uh, there’s two women in the street right now. It looks like they were trying to cross the street."

Dispatcher: "Milwaukee Fire Department, can I have the address for your emergency?"

Dispatcher: "62nd and Bluemound. We have accident with injury. We have a call on the line with us."

Dispatcher: "Yes ma’am. This is the fire department. We have multiple calls saying that two pedestrians were struck by vehicles, is that correct?"

Caller: "That is correct."

Dispatcher: "Okay the fire department is already on the way over there if you could just keep everybody in a safe place, okay?"

Caller: "Okay."


Dispatcher: "911 operator, where is your emergency?"

Caller: "A car just hit two young girls crossing the street over by Teamsters Local 200."

Dispatcher: "Where?"

Caller: "62nd and Bluemound."

Dispatcher: "Okay what happened?"

Caller: "Two young girls ran across the street and uh, in front of another vehicle. I never seen ‘em. Oh my God."

Dispatcher: "Okay let me transfer you for an ambulance, okay? So they were both hit?

Caller: "Yes, both of them. They both tried running across the street."

Dispatcher: "How old were the girls, sir? Do you know?"

Nicole Phillips is the girls' aunt. Phillips says her nieces Morgan and Megan were heading home from school when it happened. Police say they were crossing Bluemound Road at 62nd Street when they were struck by a pickup truck. Phillips says initially one sister was taken to Froedtert Hospital and the other to Children's Hospital.

Phillips says Megan took the brunt of the impact.

"She has some facial breaks and fractures. Her face hit the concrete," Phillips said.

Morgan may have suffered kidney damage.

FOX6 News spoke with a woman who saw the aftermath of the incident.

"I noticed blood in the street and spray painted markings of bodies -- the way people were laid out. It's just really sad to see that," Jenny Gast said.

The girls' aunt says another woman who saw what happened found one of the girls' phones and called their mother.

"Amongst all of her belongings after they were hit in the car accident, the woman picked up a phone, and found the word Mom in the phone and dialed -- found my sister and contacted my sister and told her her children were hit," Phillips said.

Phillips says there has been an outpouring of support for her nieces.

Police said the pickup truck's driver, a 29-year-old Milwaukee man, stayed at the scene and was cooperating with the investigation.

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