'Aggressive actions:' Gov. Walker voices support for sending troops to Mexico border

MADISON, Wis. — Republican Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says he welcomes President Donald Trump's move to deploy National Guard troops to the border with Mexico.

Walker sent a letter Monday to Democratic U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan voicing his support for what he called  President Trump's "aggressive actions to secure our nation's southern border." Pocan on Friday had written Walker to ask that he reject the call to send troops, calling President Trump's plan "grossly irresponsible."

Walker cites examples of when former presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama sent troops to the border to help fight the drug trade.

Walker says he sees deploying National Guard troops to the border as a way to reduce access to illegal drugs.

Wisconsin has not yet sent any troops to the border or been asked to send any.

Governor Scott Walker released the following statement in a news release on Monday: