Alverno College cutting academic programs, reducing faculty and staff

Alverno College

Alverno College’s Board of Trustees voted to declare an imminent financial crisis (exigency) and also approved a restructuring of the college's academic programs, which includes reducing the number of undergraduate and graduate programs, along with faculty and staff positions.

This declaration is a proactive measure to restore financial stability at Alverno College. The board also reaffirmed their commitment to Alverno’s educational mission, purpose and sustainability.

The budget for the coming fiscal year was also approved by the board.

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Alverno College money woes; program changes, staff reduction recommended

Alverno College officials announced that soon they anticipate program changes and a reduction of faculty and staff positions in the face of financial challenges.

"While these are times that present headwinds for Alverno and other higher education institutions in Wisconsin, we believe declaring financial exigency will ultimately position Alverno College for a more financially sustainable future," said Kathy Hudson, chair of the Board of Trustees at Alverno College. "We remain dedicated to providing students a transformational education experience."

In a press release from Alverno College, Alverno’s 43 undergraduate majors will be reduced to 29 majors, and 25 graduate programs will be reduced to 19 programs to focus on student demand and community needs.

The specific programs that remain can be found here.

All current undergraduate students will be able to complete their studies at the college. At the graduate level, three majors will be impacted, affecting 25 students. Alverno says it is working with other academic institutions to make arrangements and help those students. More information on the program consolidation can be found here.

Alverno will also reduce 25 full-time faculty positions, 12 full-time staff positions, in addition to combining and restructuring departments.

One athletic program, track and field, will also be discontinued.

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"These are difficult decisions to make, and we regret the impact these cuts will have on our colleagues; however, these actions are necessary as we forge a path forward that safeguards Alverno’s survival, preserves our accreditation, and retains our academic integrity," said Christy Brown, JD, president of Alverno College. "Moving forward, we will continue to invest in areas of growth and educational innovation identified by our community of dedicated faculty and staff, modernizing operational systems, and enhancing the student experience."

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"We see the value and potential of these women to Milwaukee’s economic and social well-being. This is why the long-term sustainability of Alverno is imperative to our region," Brown explained. "We know overcoming these financial challenges will not be easy, but we will work tirelessly to minimize the impact on our Alverno community while ensuring our educational mission remains intact."

Based in Milwaukee, Alverno College is a four-year independent, Catholic, liberal arts college for women, which was founded in 1887 by the School Sisters of St. Francis. Certificate programs, digital badges, degree completion programs and graduate programs are open to all genders.