Amtrak Hiawatha route’s new fares; what travelers need to know | FOX6 Milwaukee

Amtrak Hiawatha route's new fares; what travelers need to know

Amtrak’s Hiawatha line now offers a variable ticket pricing system, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation announced Wednesday, Nov. 1.

WisDOT said the system replaces the $25 ticket with a sliding $19 to $31 fare based on demand and advance purchase. The new fare schedule went into effect Wednesday.

"The Hiawatha Service offers seven round trips weekdays between Milwaukee and Chicago and is one of the most popular passenger train routes in the country," WisDOT Secretary Craig Thompson said. "The new fare system works toward three main goals by offering a price that varies with demand. First, it aims to ease crowding by offering lower cost tickets during off-peak times. Second, it is expected to raise revenue overall to cover more system costs and service improvements. And third, it keeps our commitment to affordable travel by capping the maximum fare at $31 each way."

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Amtrak also has the 10-ride ticket, with a new maximum price of $210, which lowers fares to $21 each way. Users of the 10-ride tickets continue to be required to use the RideReserve system to choose their train. While monthly pass sales have been discontinued due to decreased usage, one-way and 10-ride tickets both are still eligible for pre-tax purchase by transit benefit account holders.

The $25 fare had been in effect since 2016.
