As Hostess shuts down, the Twinkie hoarding begins

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End of the road for Twinkies fans

End of the road for Twinkies fans

MILWAUKEE -- Just hours after Twinkies maker Hostess declared it will shut down for good, grocery stores nationwide are already experiencing a run on Twinkies and the company's other iconic products like Wonder Bread, Hostess Cup Cakes and Ding Dongs.

The lines grew fast at Greenfield's Wonder Hostess Bakery Outlet on Friday, November 16th. The lines were long -- and the supplies short.

"Empty. Empty. No hamburger buns. No hot dog buns. No snack cakes. I mean, they have towers of snack cakes, but there`s nothing there," said one customer who spoke with FOX6 News.

But while the situation with Hostess may seem helpless, Jeff Callen and the folks at National Bakery and Deli are ready to step up and fill the void. With their chocolate-filled cupcakes, Twinkie-like yellow, filled cupcakes and snowballs.

"They should come out with some of our products. And maybe they wouldn't be in the position they are now," said Callen.

Twinkies sales were also on fire on Amazon. In the last 24 hours, Twinkies sales jumped over 31,000% on the etailer's "Movers & Shakers" sales ranking. On Friday, Hostess products accounted for 10 of the top 11 bestsellers in the grocery and gourmet food category. The 10-count box of Twinkies is No. 1, while the box of the orange cupcakes is No. 2 and a 6-pack of Hostess Sno Balls is in the 6th spot.