Auction at the Avalon Theater in Milwaukee's Bay View neighborhood | FOX6 Milwaukee

Auction at the Avalon Theater in Milwaukee's Bay View neighborhood

BAY VIEW (WITI) -- Taking home a little piece of history-- that was the goal for many folks as they scoped out items to bid on at the Avalon Theater Saturday morning.

A steady stream of people rummaged though items at Bay View’s historic Avalon Theater.  “It’s open house for people to come and touch and feel and see what the items actually look like and feel like that they are bidding on,” said property manager Gino Skudlarczyk.

From shop owners to your everyday community members, lots of people stopped by Kinnickinnic Avenue to scope out vintage pieces from this once popular theater. Skudlarczyk said, “The building itself was built in 1929 and it was the first movie house to show the first ‘talking movie.’ We do have some of the old vintage cameras online for viewing online.”

To help fund the steep renovation cost of $2 million, the owner is auctioning items-- everything from popcorn machines and beyond. “A lot of neat stuff you couldn’t get anywhere else. We were thinking about the exit signs. We have a home theater in our basement,” said Chris Fredette who was looking to bid.

Some of the pieces are drumming up a great deal of interest. Martin Koll  who is assisting with the auction added, “The seating of course, everybody probably sat in one of these seats. People are interested in especially the carbon art lighting we have upstairs which nobody really knows what that is anymore and the old projection equipment too.”

But for some it wasn’t just about nabbing a piece of theater history. An emotional Deanna Alexander said, “Goosebumps! I got kind of teary eyed when I walked in.” Folks like Alexander had a nostalgic stroll as she looked at the objects up for bid, “This was my first job in 1966 I was 15 years old back then and I got hired at the concession stand my pay rate was $1.10 an hour.”

Lots has changed over the years, and these folks are excited about the chance of owning a part of what once was.

The owner is hoping to get the funds together, renovate and re-open by the end of the year. The online bidding goes until Tuesday morning. CLICK HERE to learn more.