Bar formerly boycotting NFL games, showing games Thursday night

MILWAUKEE -- The lockout between the National Football League and the referees' union ended late Wednesday night, September 26th after the two sides were able to come to an agreement. Stack'd Burger Bar in Milwaukee had said it wouldn't put an NFL game on its TVs until the replacement refs were off the field. Thursday night at Stack'd, the games were back on!

Stack'd Burger Bar's general manager Joe McPherson bought five ref jerseys to place over the five TVs inside the bar in protest following what most say was a blown call to end Monday night's Green Bay Packers vs. Seattle Seahawks game and leave Seattle with the win. The call was followed by outrage from football fans across the country -- some calling for a boycott of the NFL until the regular referees returned to the field.

"It's time to take the fan into consideration -- not just a pocketbook of the owners," McPherson said.

Thursday night, for the start of the NFL's Week Four, those refs were back on the field, and Stack'd Burger Bar's GM said he was looking forward to showing the games.

"I was really happy. I think it's good for the game, and good for everybody. I think it shows perhaps they're caring about the fans again," McPherson said.

McPherson said to go along with the boycott of the NFL games, they had planned to offer specials with fun names, relating to the controversy.

Jacob Bach enjoyed Thursday night football at Stack'd with a friend. He and other fans had a lot to cheer, as regular officials were back on the field, following Wednesday night's agreement between the NFL and the referees' union.

"I think any honest, good, loving football fan will be cheering them on the second they walk on that field," Bach said.

McPherson agreed, saying Thursday night would likely be the first time in NFL history the referees would be applauded.

As for the boycott at Stack'd, Bach said he feels it was a great reaction to Monday night's game in Seattle.

"I love it. I think boycotting ridiculous things should be done in a ridiculous way," Bach said.

CLICK HERE for additional coverage on the replacement refs controversy following Monday night’s Packers game.

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