Big Boy restaurant making comeback in Wisconsin
It was 26 years ago that the last remaining Big Boy restaurant in Wisconsin closed,
Brian is in Germantown getting ready for the Grand of the brand new Wisconsin Big Boy.
GERMANTOWN, Wis. - It was 26 years ago that the last remaining Big Boy restaurant in Wisconsin closed, but this week it’s coming back! Brian is in Germantown getting ready for the Grand of the brand new Wisconsin Big Boy.
Big Boy is back and just in time for the restaurant’s 85th Anniversary!
Brian is in Germantown checking out why this restaurant is so nostalgic for us here in Wisconsin.
Do you remember Big Boy restaurants and those huge statues outside their restaurants?
Brian is getting ready for this week’s grand opening of Wisconsin Big Boy at their new Germantown location.
Hungry? How about trying a Big Boy Burger with a bun cut into three sections
Brian is building their signature burger that can now be found at Wisconsin Big Boy in Gemantown.
It was 26 years ago that the last remaining Big Boy restaurant in Wisconsin closed, but this week it’s coming back!
Brian is in Germantown checking out the food, fun and memorabilia you can expect to find at the brand new Wisconsin Big Boy.
Did you hear that Big Boy is back? And, just in time for their 85th Anniversary!
Brian is in Germantown at the brand new Wisconsin Big Boy that serves up burgers, shakes and specialty desserts the entire family will love.