Black Friday retail race kicks off on Thanksgiving Day at some stores

GLENDALE (WITI) -- The buzz around Black Friday is fading. This year, it's being replaced by a retail race that kicks off with Thanksgiving Day shopping hours.

At Bayshore Mall, 10 stores will open their doors for at least a few hours on Thanksgiving Day. Businesses were given the option of opening up early.

Opening up on Thanksgiving Day is a trend that has some shoppers excited, and others calling for a boycott.

Joe Butschli pitched a tent in Greenfield in the hopes of getting a deal on a new TV.

"It doesn't feel like Christmas without sleeping outside Best Buy. I got three kids and a wife, and she just shrugs her shoulders and says 'not me, but if that's your thing, then go do it,'" Butschli said.

Mayfair Mall, Brookfield Square Mall and Southridge Mall are following the lead of many other retailers, and will have select stores open as early as 8:00 p.m. on Thanksgiving night.

"It's gonna be an interesting year. I think it's gonna be a learning year for both the retailers and the shopping center people," Steve Smith said.

Shoppers can hit all of Mayfair's department stores at 8:00, and the opening of other stores will be staggered.

"About 40 percent of the mall will be open at 8, another 15 percent will open at midnight and the balance will be open by 6 in the morning," Smith said.

Toys 'R Us is opening at 5:00 p.m. Walmart's Black Friday deals start at 6:00.

"Our stores are open on Thanksgiving Day and the sales will actually start at 6:00 p.m. and at 8:00 p.m.," Erica Jones said.

At 8:00 p.m., Kohl's, Target and Office Max will welcome shoppers.

While some are mapping out shopping plans, others aren't hot on the idea of Black Friday.

Many Facebook groups urge folks to boycott stores open on Thanksgiving -- asking stores to let people spend the holiday at home with their families.

"I feel sorry for all the people who work in the malls because they only get a few hours with their family and then they're back at the stores," Stephanie Powe said.

Still, shoppers predict the crowds will turn out at the stores this week.

"It's fun. It would be fun with family and friends," Marriah Dettman said.
