"Breakfast, lunch and supper:" Hunger Task Force kicks off Summer Meals Program

MILWAUKEE -- When the school year ends, students who rely on school lunches go hungry, so the Hunger Task Force on Tuesday, June 6th kicked off its "Summer Meals Program."

It will serve more than 800,000 meals to kids who otherwise wouldn't have enough to eat from now through August.

There are 170 sites throughout the city, where there will be green signs that read "Kids Eat Free Summer Meals Here."

"The green signs are going up all over the city as well, and it doesn't matter if your child is enrolled in that particular school or the Y or whatever. You can just run in and eat for free -- breakfast, lunch and supper. You can also look for a tri-fold sign out front of the door reminding kids which door to go into," Sherrie Tussler, executive director of the Hunger Task Force said.

Organizers said it's about more than just making sure kids are fed. It's about making sure they're eating nutritious meals to help them grow.

Series Hunger Task-force