Brian Kramp looks to join "The Kilties" out of Racine
Ever heard of "The Kilties" out of Racine?
"The Kilties" are an all-age co-ed drum and bugle corps which focuses on education and mentorship.
The Kilties participate in rehearsals and performances on a weekend-only schedule which allows members to attend school, work and spend time with family.
Members range in age from high school through adult.
Founded in 1934, the Racine Kilties Drum and Bugle Corps has been evolving for almost 80 years. A successful junior corps throughout the 1950s and 1960s, the organization has developed into an all-age corps that performs throughout the country in drum corps shows, parades, concerts and exhibitions.
The Kilties are unique in that youth and adults march side-by-side.
Studio A's Brian Kramp went down to Racine to see what it takes to be a member of the Kilties Drum and Bugle Corps!