Bristol Renaissance Faire canceled for 2020 season

KENOSHA COUNTY -- The Bristol Renaissance Faire announced on its Facebook page Tuesday, June 2 that the 2020 Faire season will be canceled due to continuing COVID-19 health concerns and unrest across the country.

In the post, the Faire wrote:

This is a serious and impactful decision for our small company and all of those who participate in the Faire. We simply can’t run the risk of exposing our audience, staff and participants to a virus which continues to spike around this country and specifically targets many of the individuals who work with the Faire in every capacity. We wish you the very best luck in navigating these turbulent waters.

Information about ticket exchanges and refunds are available on the ticketing section of the Bristol Renaissance Faire website.

The Faire said it will be back for the 2021 season. 

Health Coronavirus