Brookfield East's 'No. 1 varsity racer' in coma after ski accident

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Brookfield East’s top varsity racer in coma after ski accident

Andy Meser, a star skier for Brookfield East, was seriously hurt in a skiing accident on Christmas at Alpine Valley.

A Brookfield teen was seriously injured in a ski accident on Christmas. Andy Meser, 16, was found unconscious by ski patrol, flown to Children's Wisconsin by Flight for Life, where a family spokeswoman said he was put in a medically-induced coma when he first arrived.

On Sunday, Jan. 3, FOX6 News was told Meser is out of the coma -- heavily sedated, but improving.

Andy Meser

The 16-year-old star on the slopes is used to uphill battles, so what happened on Christmas came as a shock to those who know him.

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"All we know is that at some point after he had started skiing, the ski patrol found Andy unconscious, but still wearing his helmet," said Marilynn Mee, family spokeswoman.

Andy Meser

The Brookfield East High School junior was seriously injured while doing runs at Alpine Valley

"It’s a lot of question marks," said Mee. "You just simply don’t know the extent of damage."

As of Sunday, Meser was out of the coma and breathing on his own, but still heavily sedated in the ICU, unable to be a part of Brookfield East's first competition of the year.

Andy Meser

"He was our number one varsity racer," said Dan Wellman, Brookfield East ski coach. "We hope in a short time he can come back to that spot."

His team is pulling for him as he battles in the hospital.

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Visit the Andy Meser Caring Bridge site

"We’re looking forward to him waking up, and encouraging him and using this as motivation, hopefully," said Coach Wellman.

It's a Christmas tragedy loved ones say Meser can overcome.

Andy Meser

"We honestly believe this outpouring of love, and positive energy and prayers being sent Andy’s way, that’s made a difference so far," said Mee.

A account has been set up to help pay medical expenses, and there's also a Caring Bridge page, where loved ones have encouraged people to share kind words as Meser heals.

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