Brookfield hotel was scene of mass shooting in March 2005 | FOX6 Milwaukee

Brookfield hotel was scene of mass shooting in March 2005

BROOKFIELD -- The Sheraton Hotel in Brookfield was the scene of a mass shooting in March 2005. The hotel is just down the road from the Azana Salon & Spa -- where three were killed and four were injured in a shooting incident late Sunday morning, October 21st.

45-year-old Radcliffe Haughton, the gunman in Sunday's shooting at Azana Salon & Spa is dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Haughton was reportedly found dead inside the Azana Salon & Spa.

Back in 2005, 44-year-old Terry Ratzmann burst into a church service being held by a Church of Living God congregation and fired 22 rounds before shooting himself. He killed seven others in that service.

Ratzmann shot the church's pastor and the pastor's family before moving on to others in the conference room at the hotel.

All reports following this shooting indicate Ratzmann acted alone. It also says six of the seven victims were shot in the back and that Ratzmann stopped once to reload. 

"I know it was terrible. I know where the guy lived that did it, which we'll probably never know," Carol Clark said.

As onlookers watched what was happening at the Brookfield spa on Sunday, they realized what they were witnessing was rare, but not rare enough.

"No matter where you're at, you don't know what can flip somebody's trigger and make them do what they do," Shawn Brandenburg said.

"You're not safe anymore, wherever you go. You can't even take your kids out to breakfast at a local restaurant without worrying about what's gonna happen next door," Lori Johnson said.

CLICK HERE for additional coverage of the Azana Salon & Spa shooting via