Cavaliers playoff video shows fan throwing woman to the ground
CLEVELAND -- In a video that played on the jumbotron for fans who attended the Cavaliers vs. Bulls playoff game on Wednesday night, a Cavaliers fan is shown throwing his girlfriend to the ground after learning she is a Bulls fan.
The video is a parody of this United HealthCare ad, which features an older couple attempting (and failing) to complete "the jump" from Dirty Dancing as (I've Had) The Time of My Life plays in the background.
In the Cavaliers version of the video, the woman reveals her Bulls shirt shortly before attempting "the jump." The Cavaliers fan then throws the woman to the ground and says, "Bulls fan? I didn't know you were a Bulls fan."
Deadspin reported the video has since been removed from the team's Vimeo page.
The team has not publicly commented about the video. WJW talked to a team representative who said they are aware of the video.
Several journalists who covered the game on Wednesday night tweeted about the video after it played inside the arena.