Company looking to pay 5 people $1,000 to binge-watch every Harry Potter movie

LOS ANGELES - Self-isolation under a pandemic may be the perfect opportunity to binge-watch your favorite movies, and one company is willing to pay you to do it.

EDsmart is looking to pay five people $1,000 each to watch every “Harry Potter” film, including the spin-off “Fantastic Beasts” films.

“Most of the Muggle world is struggling with self-isolation and not having a normal routine–like we’re all living in the cupboard under the stairs at 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging,” the company said in a press release.

The company said it is looking for people with “outgoing social media personality” who will live-tweet or livestream the entire experience.

Applicants must be over 18 years old and live in the United States.

Just like the students of Hogwarts, the chosen candidate will be selected with the help of a sorting hat.

Once the movie marathon is over, applicants will be asked to rank each movie and post about it online.

The job includes watching over 25 hours of wizards, witches and spells in one sitting and comes with a “Marathon Survival Kit.”

If the sorting hat deems you worthy of the streaming quest, you will receive:

    While this may seem like the opportunity of a lifetime, only those truly gifted in the wizarding arts need apply. Applications are open until May 15.