Contact 6: Saving on energy bills during extreme heat
MILWAUKEE -- Twice in the month of July, the Milwaukee area has seen an extreme heat wave roll through, with record-breaking temperatures, high humidity levels and triple-digit heat indices. Many may be feeling the after effects of the heat when it comes time to pay the energy bill! FOX6's Contact 6 has some tips on helping to cool your house and your bills.
David Pekel is an efficiency expert with NARI. Pekel says simple things like pulling curtains closed during daylight hours and opening windows at night can really make a difference when it comes to saving money on energy bills.
Pekel says managing the thermostat is also important.
"The rule of thumb is whatever you're comfortable with, but every degree up is three to five percent in additional cost. If you can live in the 77°-80° range, that's a good range to be in," Pekel said.
Pekel said it's also important to keep the air conditioner properly maintained.
"Take your garden hose and clean it. Spray the coils, get the dirt, get the debris out of it. That's going to allow it to operate more efficiently. You won't hurt it," Pekel said.
Another tip Pekel offers is to change air filters on a monthly basis.
With window A/C units, Pekel says be sure to seal the space around the air conditioner and try to keep it out of direct sunlight. Using a fan with the window A/C unit will help to circulate the air.
CLICK HERE for more energy saving ideas via We Energies website.