Cudahy police seeking individuals involved in crash Monday | FOX6 Milwaukee

Cudahy police seeking individuals involved in crash Monday

CUDAHY (WITI) -- Cudahy police are seeking individuals involved in a crash on Monday, May 6th -- and are accused of fleeing the scene.

Officials were on the scene of a crash between a minivan and a Chevy Trailblazer at S. Kirkwood and E. Plankinton Avenues, with the minivan having rolled over.

The Cudahy and South Milwaukee Fire Departments responded to assess injuries and to assist two people who were trapped inside the minivan.

All occupants of the minivan were treated and released on scene.

The three, possibly four, occupants of the red Chevy Trailblazer with Alabama plates fled the scene and have not been located.

The occupants are described as:

#1 (driver) white male, late 20s to 30s, 6’1” to 6’2,” 220-pounds, wearing a black T-shirt, black shorts and a gray baseball hat worn backwards;

#2 (front passenger) Hispanic female, late 30s, brown hair in a ponytail, unknown clothing description;

#3 (rear passenger) white male, 20s, 5’9,” 170-pounds, blonde hair, white t-shirt and plaid shorts;

#4 black male, only seen running in the same direction as the other three occupants.

If any information is known regarding the whereabouts or identities of the occupants of the Trailblazer, please contact Cudahy Police at 414-769-2260 extension 0.