'Days Without Latinxs and Immigrants' Milwaukee demonstration

On May Day, Sunday, May 1, celebrated as International Workers' Day, a demonstration took place in Milwaukee.

Hundreds hit the streets, meeting at Voces de la Frontera on the city's south side before marching to U.S. Senator Ron Johnson's office in downtown Milwaukee to condemn what demonstrators said is a failure to support immigration reform in the United States.

Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson spoke to the crowd, saying he will fight for immigrants in the city.

"When they are looking for the opportunity to have the American dream, whether they immigrated to this country or whether they are fleeing from a war-torn place across the globe, Milwaukee is a welcoming city and always will be under my mayorship," said Mayor Johnson.

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Demonstrators also called for the Biden administration to deliver on promises to roll back anti-immigrant policies from past administrations and pass long-overdue protections for immigrants through executive action.

Over 125 predominantly immigrant and Latinx-owned small businesses across Wisconsin closed in solidarity.