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JEFFERSON COUNTY, M0. -- An out of control driver crashed through a packed lakeside beach in Missouri, narrowly missing dozens of people, and pictures of the incident are fueling online outrage.
Heather Peterson was at the Small Beach in Hillsboro when the car started charging backwards down the hill. She said parents were yelling and grabbing kids to throw them out of the way. When the car came to a stop people checked on the driver.
"One of the cheer fathers asked her; he said, 'you appear to be drunk.' She said, 'all I've had is two drinks and a shot before I got in this car,'" said Heather.
Parents then called 911 and waited.
Jefferson County Sheriff's Office said it took about an hour and a half to respond because the initial call came in as, "an intoxicated driver parked on a beach" or an "accident with no injuries." They were responding to other higher priority calls.
Heather sat down and wrote a Facebook post to vent her frustration.
"It’s not that I needed her to pay, because that’s not what my post was about. What I was hoping for, is that whenever she sobered up, and she was looking at yesterday’s events, and thinking about what happened; that she would read my post and think, wow," said Heather.
The Jefferson County Sheriff`s Office has not recommended any charges in the case. They said it is still under investigation to figure out what actions are appropriate.