Debris burning caused 234-acre wildfire on Necedah Wildlife Refuge; no injuries | FOX6 Milwaukee

Debris burning caused 234-acre wildfire on Necedah Wildlife Refuge; no injuries

NECEDAH -- Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ fire crews remained on the scene of the 234-acre wildfire in Juneau County on the Necedah Wildlife Refuge Sunday, April 19 -- monitoring for hot spots or burning within the contained fire.

A news release from DNR officials said the fire burned in upland grass and timber, and slowed as it reached wetter ground in the marsh.

Debris burning caused the fire, DNR officials said, noting four to five structures were threatened but not impacted. No injuries were reported.

The DNR monitored the fire overnight and into Sunday with no issues.

Mop up, making sure there were no hot spots or burning within the contained fire, continued Sunday with the DNR, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Staff and U.S. Forest Service staff.

DNR officials noted very high fire danger continuing into Sunday as a result of warm temperatures, low relative humidity and very windy conditions. Burning permits have been suspended since March 27 due to COVID-19.

Spring in Wisconsin has the highest fire risk with the No. 1 cause of wildfires being debris burning, DNR officials said, noting that wildfires pose a serious threat to public safety, property and our natural resources.