Delivery Dilemma: Fake USPS email contains computer virus

MILWAUKEE (WITI) — It's a bogus email with a dangerous computer virus. However, it looks so real it will be tempting to click.

"Postal customers were receiving an email that says they had a package ready for pick up at the postal office," said Postal Inspector Tammy Mayle.

The email looks official with the United States Postal Service logo and a note saying, "Our courier couldn't make the delivery of parcel today." It asks customers to click on a link. But, clicking on that link will put a virus on your computer.

"Malware could be installed on your computer and they could see all the personal information on your computer and gain access to anything you had on your computer," Mayle explained.

The Postal Service says it doesn't use email to notify customers about a package delivery.

"Customers would receive notification via postcard that they needed to pick up a parcel or it would be posted on the door," Mayle said.

No matter what — always be wary of any email claiming to come from the Postal Service.

"The Postal Service doesn't have an email address for every postal customer available," said Mayle.

The fake emails often have a sense of urgency and claim if the package isn't picked up within 30 days it will be returned to the sender.