Did they capture ghosts? Fisherman snaps mysterious image in double rainbow

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Did they capture ghosts? Brookfield native snaps mysterious photos

Did they capture ghosts? Brookfield native snaps mysterious photos

VIROQUA (WITI)--  Do you believe in ghosts?  It's a question often asked this time of year.  For two long time friends, a recent fishing trip has solidified their belief in spirits.

Brookfield native Mike Jacobs, and his friend Bill Wobbekind, often fish in Western Wisconsin.  Along a spring fed creek, they have found their happy place.  The two admit, not all of the stories that leave here, are 100 percent accurate.

"He`s absolutely forthright, upright, 100 percent straight, except when he is talking about the size of the fish he catches," says Wobbekind about his friend.

All of the fish they catch, the sportsmen release back into the waters.

"You kind of leave things there for other people, to enjoy and the fish are able to live," says Jacobs.

After a first day of fishing on a recent trip, the men headed back to their nearby lodge.  Before heading out on a second day, a strong storm moved through.

"We saw it was starting to clear finally, and we got up," says Jacobs.

In the West, a double rainbow appeared.  Jacobs, an amateur photographer, grabbed his camera, and started snapping.

"The pictures were very pretty," says Jacobs.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, until Jacobs returned home to Chicago, and uploaded the pictures onto his computer.

"I thought I had some kind of smudge or something on the screen.  There were these white things on there," recalls Jacobs.

A closer look, revealed something stranger.

"All of a sudden you could see there were two eyes in each one of the images," says Jacobs.

Jacobs, showed the pictures to his friend Bill.

"There were these shapes in them, with these eyes.  It was pretty  remarkable and actually almost a little creepy," says Wobbekind.

Could it be... real ghosts?

We took the pictures to FOX6 Chief Meteorologist Vince Condella.  Not only is Vince an expert in the weather.  He is also an avid photographer.

Immediately, a very nonspiritual theory emerges.

"It looks like it is probably, I`m only going to guess here, that it is on the sensory of his digital camera," says Condella.

The theory makes sense, until we show Vince more photos.  Vince notices that the blobs of white, are not in the same spot on each photo.

"They`re now in different spots.  So there goes that theory."

We also point out the ghostly figures disappear in photos taken a short time later.

"So these ones are kind of in the middle? Really?.... Well... Unknown.  Mystery to me," says Condella.

Searching even deeper, we ask a local from the area.  Turns out, the pictures weren't just snapped on any land.  The fishing hole, lays on what is considered a spiritual place to many.

"You have to use what you know, in your heart.  Your heart is going to tell you what things are," says local Chief Golden Light Eagle.

Light Eagle, is a Native American, and not surprised with our pictures.  He says, he himself has experience with spirits on land that is known as "the driftless."

"The truth is we are always looking outside of ourselves," says Golden Light Eagle.

Light Eagle says the area, was once home to many native tribes.  He says, to learn what we are looking at in the picture, we must first believe that something we can't explain exists.

"We`re always looking somewhere else for the truth when we already have it," says Golden Light Eagle.

For two fishermen, the pictures are all the evidence they need.

"I definitely believe in  some other beings," says Wobbekind.

"Obviously there is something bigger than things we can perceive here ," adds Jacobs.

Go figure, their best catch, has nothing to do with a fish.