Dignitaries to mark grand opening of $33 million data center
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Governor Walker, Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and other dignitaries will mark the official grand opening of Milwaukee’s first wholesale, Tier III, carrier neutral data center Thursday, May 23rd.
The $33 million data center known as Data Holdings is equal to or better than any facility built in the largest metro areas in the US and represents a significant milestone for Southeast Wisconsin economic and technology development.
The two-story, 46,000 square-foot Data Holdings data center was developed by the Potawatomi Business Development Corporation (PBDC), the economic diversification arm of the Forest County Potawatomi.
Besides the Governor and Mayor, other speakers include Pepi Randolph, CEO, Potawatomi Business Development Corporation; Chairman Gus Frank, Forest County Potawatomi Community; and Alderman Willie Hines (invited), City of Milwaukee, Common Council President.
Details about the Data Center: