"Don't be stupid!" Check scam could cost you thousands! | FOX6 Milwaukee

"Don't be stupid!" Check scam could cost you thousands!

WAUKESHA (WITI) — Who wouldn't want $1,000 or $2,000?! People across the country are getting checks in the mail, but there's a catch. If you cash them — it'll cost you.

Scam checks are coming in UPS envelopes that look similar to this. There's nothing inside except for a check made out in the person's name.

The check comes in an overnight UPS envelope and inside there's a check for hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

But, don't spend it! It's a scam.

Rob Tallinger got a check for $2,750 . He knew right away that he shouldn't cash it.

"Something's not quite right here," Tallinger said.

He  contacted the company on the check who told him it was a scam linked to certain rewards programs and Craigslist posts.

Tallinger had recently posted on Craigslist and remembered giving out his information.

"It was kind of a  little form on the bottom of it to give your name, address, asking price and item," Tallinger remembered about an inquiry to his post.

Here's how the scam works — after getting the check, the person gets a follow-up mailer saying too much money was sent and some of it needs to be sent back.

If the person sends money back, not only will they be out the money they sent, but any fees the bank will charge for the false check.

Tallinger's glad he saw the red flags and advises people to think twice when they get a random check in the mail.

"Don't be stupid…Get the facts before you run to bank," Tallinger said.

If you get a similar check in the mail — just tear it up and do not cash or spend it.

If you're posting anything on Craigslist or anywhere online, don't give out your personal information to someone you don't know.