Doors Open Milwaukee 2023; explore history, hidden gems

Doors Open Milwaukee gave people a glimpse into the city, history and culture Saturday, Sept. 22 – that start to its 13th year.

The program showcases 130 locations, including theaters, art galleries, museums, municipal buildings, gardens, and more throughout downtown and Milwaukee’s neighborhoods.

"Everybody loves to go to another house. If there’s doors open people are nosey, they go poke around," said Celine Farrell, owner of the Lamers Building. "People will stop and say thank you for doing this for the city."

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Some guests start with curiosity and leave with newfound creativity. Farrell said she likes sharing the history of the historic landmark. 

"People have come to it before, and they say, ‘This is wonderful, I never realized we had such jewels in our city,’" she said.

Lamers Building in Walkers Point

From interactive activities and municipal buildings to tourist destinations, Doors Open Milwaukee makes exploring the city more accessible.

"To be able to come to something like the dressing rooms at the Pabst, that’s really a treat – or the police academy, something you wouldn’t see normally," said Farrell.

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The event brings people from all sides of the city together. 

"People get to know other people, so it’s a total mixture of Milwaukee, and that’s what we are," said Farrell. "It’s the people who come who make it a successful event."

Doors Open Milwaukee on FOX6 WakeUp

Doors Open Milwaukee continues Sunday, Sept. 23. A full list of locations can be found on the event's website.