Backlash over drag queen story time at Menomonee Falls bakery

A drag queen story time draws backlash in Menomonee Falls. A bakery was planning to host the story hour as a pride month fundraiser.

It was met with threats and a push to boycott. Opposition even came from a village trustee, and it forced the owners to cancel.

Batter and Mac Bakery announced the story hour last week.

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They say quickly thereafter, they got threatening phone calls and online posts.

Now, they're changing gears, still trying to raise money a different way.

Brittany Wohlfeil's passion is in the kitchen. She prepares the desserts at Batter and Mac in Menomonee Falls.

Lately, it's not a recipe there that has gotten the most attention.

"We didn’t expect it to turn into what it’s turned into," said Brittany Wohlfeil.

Each month, the family-owned bakery picks a charity to help.

Last week, the owners announced for June, it would benefit the LGBTQ youth organization Courage MKE for pride month.

Among the events to raise money, a drag story hour.

"They would’ve read the story and the kids were going to decorate cupcakes, get a little gift bag and go," said Wohlfeil.

Brittany Wohlfeil

While there was a lot of support, there was also a lot of backlash from anonymous phone calls, to online threats.

"You’re sick, leave kids alone," added Wohlfeil.

Even a push to boycott the bakery with a village leader showing support.

"There’s Ann telling people to not come here," said Wohlfeil, referencing Menomonee Falls Village Trustee Ann Lessila who openly opposed the event.

Ann Lessila tells FOX6 "The community deserves to know the details."

Lessila referenced a Facebook Post on the Menomonee Fall Mosquito page, telling FOX6, "This is the post that I became aware of that describes the event.  Inviting children to decorate cupcakes while Lucinda Reer performs, Loose In Da Rear).  I believe the community deserves to know the details."

Lessila referenced a Facebook Post on the Menomonee Fall Mosquito page, telling FOX6, "This is the post that I became aware of that describes the event. Inviting children to decorate cupcakes while Lucinda Reer performs, Loose In Da Rear). I believe

Wohlfeil says the comments and anger are misguided. The event was geared toward children and inclusivity.

"It’s not sexual, it’s not lewd. It’s age-appropriate," said Wohlfeil.

Ultimately, the drag story hour was canceled with safety as a concern.

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The bakery still plans to raise money for pride with a new recipe to help.

"Hopefully, we’ll just be able to redirect our energy into other things," said Wohlfeil.

The bakery will be hosting a drag bingo for adults only, and also a cooking competition with local chefs serving as judges.

Those events will be raising money for Courage MKE.